By Kathleen DohenyHealthDay Reporter
High protein, Atkins-type diets don't cause noticeable harm to the kidneys in healthy patients without kidney disease, a new study indicates.
"There has been concern for decades about possible damaging effects of high-protein diets on the kidney," said Dr. Allon Friedman, an associate professor of medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis. It was thought that excess protein "can rev up the filtering mechanism in the kidney,

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By Amanda GardnerHealthDay Reporter
In a scenario reminiscent of the film Fantastic Voyage, researchers have found a way to perform nearly surgery-free gastric bypass procedures in pigs using only a local anesthetic.
The procedure, done with moveable magnets, is completed in less than a half-hour, the researchers said, and reroutes the digestive tract without leaving behind any foreign material.
Although pigs may not seem to be "the best model for looking at resolution of obesity and

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People who shop at lower-cost supermarkets are more likely to be obese than those who shop at higher-priced stores, according to a new study.
The findings suggest that supermarket prices -- rather than proximity -- may be a key weapon in the United States' fight against obesity.
Using the Seattle Obesity Study and information collected from a 25-minute phone survey, researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle examined information on a group of residents in King County,

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Second Year After Weight Loss Surgery May Be Riskiest
By Kathleen DohenyWebMD Health News
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD
June 18, 2012 -- Two years after weight loss surgery, people may be particularly vulnerable to alcohol abuse problems.
That news comes from a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
"What we found was more gastric bypass patients reported symptoms of alcohol use disorder in the second year after surgery, compared to pre-surgery or the first

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By Alan MozesHealthDay Reporter
Women who have the popular plastic surgery procedure known as liposuction may be trading one form of fat for another, as a new study reveals that the sudden removal of abdominal fat seems to trigger a buildup of fat around the internal organs.
At issue, the Brazilian researchers said, is an apparent trade-off between two kinds of fat, with the removal of "subcutaneous fat" spurring the growth of "visceral fat."
Subcutaneous fat, located directly under the skin,

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Seven years after they underwent weight-loss surgery, patients as a whole fared better on several measurements of their risk of cardiac problems, a new study finds, and many returned to normal levels.
The findings don't prove that weight-loss surgery reduces the risk of events such as heart attack and stroke, although other research has suggested it does. And weight-loss surgery, which includes procedures such as gastric bypass, comes with major risks of its own and is only recommended

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One-third of homeless people in the United States are obese, about the same rate as the general population, a new study finds.
It might seem that hunger and lack of food would put homeless people at risk for weighing too little, according to the researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
But, the high rate of obesity among homeless people may be due to their reliance on cheap foods that contain high levels of fat and sugar. Another

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Body-building and weight-loss products are the types of dietary supplements most likely to cause liver injury, according to a small new study.
Liver injury from medication is the main reason drugs are taken off the market. Dietary and herbal supplements -- which do not require a prescription and can be bought over the counter or online -- are used by up to 40 percent of people in the United States, but their potential side effects are not well-known.
In this study, funded by the U.S.

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Maintaining weight loss can be more difficult than losing it in the first place.
The American Council on Exercise suggests how to help maintain weight loss:Weigh yourself every week.Move as much as possible, walking frequently, watching less TV and even fidgeting while you're seated.Stock your kitchen with plenty of nutritious treats.Place your gym bag near the door, and keep any home exercise equipment where you can frequently see it.Make exercise part of your social life.Measure your waist

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In one of the most famous faux pas of exploration, Columbus set sail for India and instead 'discovered' America. Similarly, when scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, set out to find enzymes - the proteins that carry out chemical reactions inside cells - that bind to RNA, they too found more than they expected: 300 proteins previously unknown to bind to RNA - more than half as many as were already known to do so. The study, published online in

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Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the second most common cause of childhood blindness in the United States, occurring in half of premature infants born earlier than or at 28 weeks gestational age. The condition is caused by abnormal blood vessel development in the retina of the eye. ROP risk increases with decreasing gestational age.
A study by researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) suggests that the antioxidant, rhSOD (recombinant human Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase), reduces the

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Loss of vision due to age can potentially be prevented by DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish. The study, which was recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science demonstrated that lab models fed with DHA did not accumulate the toxic molecule that usually builds up in the retina with age and therefore preventing age-related loss of vision.
Yves Sauve and his team from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry,

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Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center, supported by JDRF, have completed a study of 158 people who have lived with type 1 diabetes (T1D) for 50 years or more with eye examinations at Joslin over many decades of follow-up, and have concluded that a high proportion of this unique group of patients developed little to no diabetic eye disease over time. The study focuses on a group of patients known as "50-year Medalists," and was funded by JDRF in support of its efforts to improve the lives of

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Children who are overweight or obese -- particularly older, non-Hispanic white girls -- are more likely to have a neurological disorder known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a rare condition that can result in blindness, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published in The Journal of Pediatrics.
In a cross-sectional, population-based study of 900,000 children ages 2-19 years old, researchers found 78 cases of pediatric idiopathic intracranial hypertension. The condition

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Individuals blinded by optic nerve damage from glaucoma or trauma might be able to regain at least some visual function in the future after researchers have successfully regenerated the optic nerve in mice.
Using a combination of three methods, Larry Benowitz, Ph.D., and his team at the F.M. Kirby Neurobiology Center at Boston Children's Hospital, were able to restore some depth perception in mice with severe optic nerve damage. In addition, they found that the mice regained the ability to

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Two students from UC's top-ranked design programs have applied for a provisional patent on their design and prototype of a prescription-medicine pill bottle for the blind and visually impaired - an innovation that could benefit millions of users.
It's easy to see that University of Cincinnati design students Alex Broerman and Ashley Ma are on to something with their new design and prototype for a prescription-medicine pill bottle that better serves the needs of the blind and visually impaired

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Research by an optometrist at the University of Houston (UH) supports the continued investigation of optical treatments that attempt to slow the progression of nearsightedness in children.
Conducted by UH College of Optometry assistant professor David Berntsen and his colleagues from The Ohio State University, the study compared the effects of wearing and then not wearing progressive addition lenses, better known as no-line bifocals, in children who are nearsighted. With funding by a National

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In the U.S., over 2 million adults over 40 suffer from glaucoma, and whilst it is possible to reduce the visual field loss of this progressive disease with medication, it is vital to go for regular medical check-ups.
Non-adherence of sticking to the medication regime often presents clinicians with a challenge. A randomized, controlled clinical trial featured Online First in JAMAs Archives of Ophthalmology demonstrated that a telephone survey combined with tailored print materials linked to

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Over 45,000 corneal transplant eye surgeries are performed in the US every year. On June 12, 2012, in an effort to standardize this complex procedure, two video articles describing pre-surgical preparation of corneal tissue were published in JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments. These articles are authored by groups of scientists from Italy and the United States.
By utilizing the JoVE's unique visual format the authors of the studies hope to standardize the pre-surgical techniques,

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Main Category: Eye Health / BlindnessAlso Included In: Seniors / Aging; Nutrition / DietArticle Date: 31 May 2012 - 1:00 PDT Current ratings for:'Age-Related Vision Loss Prevented By Fish Oil' An omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, known as DHA, prevented age-related vision loss in lab tests, demonstrates recently published medical research from the University of Alberta. Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry researcher Yves Sauve and his team discovered lab models fed DHA did not accumulate a toxic

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A simple eye test may someday offer an effective way to identify patients who are at high risk for stroke, say researchers at the University of Zurich. They showed that a test called ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) can reliably detect carotid artery stenosis (CAS), a condition that clogs or blocks the arteries that feed the front part of the brain. It's a known risk factor for stroke. The OPA test could be performed by ophthalmologists - physicians who treat eye diseases - during routine exams.

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According to a report published Online First in Archives of Internal Medicine, glucose-lowering thiazolidinedione drug therapies in patients with Type 2 diabetes seem to be linked to a higher risk of diabetic macular edema (DME) after 1 and 10-year follow up. DME is a complication that may affect a person's vision.
Several metabolic and cardiovascular outcome studies have focused on the risk-benefit ratio of thiazolidinediones that are frequently used as a second- or third-line therapy in

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Main Category: DermatologyAlso Included In: Eye Health / Blindness; Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / VirusesArticle Date: 25 May 2012 - 0:00 PDT Current ratings for:'Risk Of Eye Infections Doubles With Use Of Common Acne Medication' Millions of teenagers suffer from acne, and they deal with the embarrassing skin blemishes by taking popular prescription medications such as Accutane or Roaccutane. Now, however, research from Tel Aviv University shows that these pills can also cause eye

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Human-derived stem cells can spontaneously form the tissue that develops into the part of the eye that allows us to see, according to a study published by Cell Press in the 5th anniversary issue of the journal Cell Stem Cell. Transplantation of this 3D tissue in the future could help patients with visual impairments see clearly.
"This is an important milestone for a new generation of regenerative medicine," says senior study author Yoshiki Sasai of the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology.

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A device which could restore sight to patients with one of the most common causes of blindness in the developed world is under development in an international partnership.
Researchers from the University of Strathclyde and Stanford University in California are creating a prosthetic retina for patients of age related macular degeneration (AMD), which affects one in 500 patients aged between 55 and 64 and one in eight aged over 85.
The device would be simpler in design and operation than

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Researchers have successfully improved the visual perception of a group of healthy individuals by using a non-invasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The study, led by Antoni Valero-Cabré from the Centre de Recherche de l'Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière (CNRS / Inserm / UPMC), is published in the journal PLoS ONE.
The researchers used TMS to send magnetic pulses to a region of the right cerebral hemisphere in the brain known as the frontal eye field.

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Visual impairment in extremely preterm children is mainly due to Retinopathy Of Prematurity (ROP), although cerebral damage, often referred to as cerebral visual impairment, can also be a cause amongst those born extremely premature.
A study published in Archives of Ophthalmology shows that both cerebral damage and ROP seem to be independently linked to visual impairment amongst extremely premature born preschool children.
Carina Slidsborg, M.D., from Denmark's Copenhagen University Hospital,

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The vegetables in salads are chock-full of important vitamins and nutrients, but you won't get much benefit without the right type and amount of salad dressing, a Purdue University study shows.
In a human trial, researchers fed subjects salads topped off with saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-based dressings and tested their blood for absorption of fat-soluble carotenoids - compounds such as lutein, lycopene, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. Those carotenoids are associated with

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Main Category: Cardiovascular / CardiologyAlso Included In: Cholesterol; Nutrition / DietArticle Date: 29 Mar 2012 - 1:00 PDT Current ratings for:'Improving Heart Health With Hot Pepper Compound' The food that inspires wariness is on course for inspiring even more wonder from a medical standpoint as scientists report the latest evidence that chili peppers are a heart-healthy food with potential to protect against the No. 1 cause of death in the developed world. The report was part of the

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Linking obesity and high cholesterol
Obese patients are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and a hardening of blood vessel walls called atherosclerosis. One factor that drives atherosclerosis development in obesity is abnormal blood cholesterol levels. ApoB is the major lipid-binding protein that transports low density lipoprotein (LDL cholesterol) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL cholesterol) from the liver to blood. Alan Tall of Columbia University and colleagues wanted to

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Removing a lipoprotein receptor known as SR-BI may help protect against breast cancer, as suggested by new findings presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2012 by Jefferson's Kimmel Cancer Center researchers.
In vitro and mouse studies revealed that depletion of the SR-BI resulted in a decrease in breast cancer cell growth.
SR-BI is a receptor for high-density lipoproteins (HDL) that are commonly referred to as "good cholesterol" because they help transport

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BenQ W710ST DLP-Projektor (3D, 1280 x 720 Pixel, 2500 ANSI Lumen, HD-Ready) weiß

Der Kurzdistanz HD-Ready Home Entertainment Projektor mit zwei hdmi Anschlüssen und PC 3D Ready ist er Ideal für GamerHD-ready 1280 x 720 / 2500 Ansi Lumen / Kontast 10.000:12x hdmi, RCA, Komponente, S-Video, D-Sub, USB, RS-232, Audio-OutHerstellergarantie: 2 Jahre (Im ersten Jahr Pick Up repair & return)Lieferumfang: Projektor, Komponentenkabel, Netzkabel, Fernbedienung inkl. Batterien, Tragetasche,

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People with a history of high cholesterol who come from higher income countries or countries with lower out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, as well as those from countries with high performing healthcare systems, defined using World Health Organization (WHO) indices, tend to have lower subsequent cholesterol rates, according to new research in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.
"We found that patients living in countries in the highest third of gross national income or WHO

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Older patients taking a common cholesterol medication should be cautious of the impact on their kidney health. In a new study by Dr. Amit Garg, Scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), and colleagues, one in 10 new older fibrate users experienced a 50 per cent increase in their serum creatinine.
Fibrates are a group of medications commonly used to treat high cholesterol. Recent evidence from clinical trials and case reports

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Main Category: Alzheimer's / DementiaAlso Included In: CholesterolArticle Date: 12 Apr 2012 - 0:00 PDT Current ratings for:'Alzheimer's Disease Process May Be Disrupted By Antioxidant' Alzheimer's disease (AD) is now the sixth leading cause of death among Americans, affecting nearly 1 in 8 people over the age of 65. There is currently no treatment that alters the course of this disease. However, an increasing amount of evidence suggests that changes in the way the body handles iron and other

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In a study published in Nutrition Research, researchers looked at the association of out-of-hand nut (OOHN) consumption with nutrient intake, diet quality and the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome in both children and adults. Consumers of OOHN, including tree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts), had higher intakes of energy, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (the good fats) and

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Niacin, or vitamin B3, is the one approved drug that elevates "good" cholesterol (high density lipoprotein, HDL) while depressing "bad" cholesterol (low density lipoprotein , LDL), and has thereby attracted much attention from patients and physicians. Niacin keeps fat from breaking down, and so obstructs the availability of LDL building blocks.
Patients often stop taking niacin because it causes uncomfortable facial flushing, an effect caused by the release of a fat called prostaglandin or

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Comag SL 35 digitaler Satellitenreceiver

4500 TV- und Radio-Programmspeicherplätze800 Seiten TeletextspeicherFür frei empfangbare digitale TV- und Radioprogramme über SatellitBis zu 7 Tage im Voraus elektronischer Programmführer EPGLieferumfang: - Receiver,Fernbedienung,Batterien 2 Stück,Bedienungsanleitung
Hersteller Comag
Modell SL 35
Highlights Gerät geeignet zum Aufspielen neuer Betriebssoftware über die offene Schnittstelle RS232
Menue mit Sendersuchfunktion nach Name

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ASUS OPlay HDP-R3 Air streaming client inkl. hdmi Kabel Full HD 1080p Wireless File sharing card reader

Schwarz (Hochglanz)
Asus O!Play Air

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Main Category: Nutrition / Diet
Whole Egg Consumption May Improve Markers of Metabolic Syndrome
A University of Connecticut study presented this week suggests that eating eggs may actually have favorable effects on HDL metabolism in men and women with metabolic syndrome.(i) Participants in the study followed a carbohydrate-restricted diet with some individuals eating three whole eggs per day and others eating an equivalent amount of egg substitute. After 12 weeks, the group eating whole eggs

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Main Category: Neurology / NeuroscienceAlso Included In: Nutrition / Diet; CholesterolArticle Date: 25 Apr 2012 - 1:00 PDT Current ratings for:''Western Diet' Detrimental To Fetal Hippocampal Tissue Transplants' Researchers interested in determining the direct effects of a high saturated fat and high cholesterol (HFHC) diet on implanted fetal hippocampal tissues have found that in middle-aged laboratory rats the HFHC diet elevated microglial activation and reduced neuronal development. While

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A new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers has found that a subclass of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the so-called "good" cholesterol, may not protect against coronary heart disease (CHD) and in fact may be harmful.
This is the first study to show that a small protein, apolipoprotein C-III (apoC-III), that sometimes resides on the surface of HDL cholesterol may increase the risk of heart disease and that HDL cholesterol without this protein may be

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Research conducted at the University of Granada has demonstrated the efficiency of a heart rehabilitation program aimed at patients suffering from heart disease. The authors of this study affirm that it is essential that heart rehabilitation programs aimed at cardiac patients are established. In Spain, a low percentage of cardiac patients participate in this type of program, as compared to the rest of Europe.
The study included a sample of 200 patients suffering from heart disease, who were

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Medialink Black Panther Ch@llenger FTA Premium HDTV Receiver Medi@link He@D USB LAN NEU

Hauptmerkmale:Full HD (HDTV 720P, 1080i, 1080P)MP3, Video und Bilddateien UnterstützungMedia Player mit Unterstützung von AVI, DIVX, MKV, XVID, MP4, SWF und anderen gängigen FormatenNetzwerkfunktionen mit SAMBA, FTP, N32 Games, Google Maps, Picasa
Head Medialink Black Panther FTA Premium HD Die nächste Generation der Heimkino-Unterhaltung hat begonnen!!! Der neue Black Panther FTA Premium Receiver

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auvisio Digitaler HD-Sat-Receiver mit FullHD-Mediaplayer

Zukunftssicherer Hightech-SAT-Receiver mit FullHD-Mediaplayer High-Quality-Empfang: Freie digitale TV-, HDTV- & Radio-Programme über Satellit (DVB-S/ DVB-S2) Multimedia von USB-Stick bis 32 GB und externen Festplatten bis 2,0 TB (FAT32, NTFS) Multimedia-Formate: MPEG, AVI, MKV, MP3, WMA, BMP, JPEG HD-Videoformate in brillanter FullHD-Auflösung bis 1080p
Mini-Maße, Maxi-Leistung: HDTV, FullHD-Videos & auf

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Chocolate, considered by some to be the "food of the gods," has been part of the human diet for at least 4,000 years; its origin thought to be in the region surrounding the Amazon basin. Introduced to the Western world by Christopher Columbus after his fourth voyage to the New World in 1502, chocolate is now enjoyed worldwide. Researchers estimate that the typical American consumes over 10 pounds of chocolate annually, with those living on the west coast eating the most. Wouldn't it be great if

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It appears that in some cases, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the so-called "good" cholesterol, does not protect against heart disease, and may even be harmful. A new study suggests a subclass of HDL that carries a particular protein is bad for the heart.
Previous studies have shown that high levels of HDL cholesterol are strongly linked to low risk of heart disease. But trials where people have been given drugs to increase their levels of HDL cholesterol have yielded inconsistent

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A 25 year study in Northern Sweden, published in BioMed Central's open access journal Nutrition Journal, is the first to show that a regional and national dietary intervention to reduce fat intake, decreased cholesterol levels, but a switch to the popular low carbohydrate diet was paralleled by an increase in cholesterol levels. Over the entire 25 year period the population BMI continued to increase, regardless of either diet, and both the increase in body mass and increased cholesterol levels

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A 25 year study in Northern Sweden, published in BioMed Central's open access journal Nutrition Journal, is the first to show that a regional and national dietary intervention to reduce fat intake, decreased cholesterol levels, but a switch to the popular low carbohydrate diet was paralleled by an increase in cholesterol levels. Over the entire 25 year period the population BMI continued to increase, regardless of either diet, and both the increase in body mass and increased cholesterol levels

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TechniSat SkyStar HD Satelliten-Receiver (HDTV, DVB-S2, USB 2.0)

Schnittstellen Typ:Hi-Speed USBArt:ExternGerätetyp:DVB-S HDTV-Empfänger
TechniSat SkyStar USB HD - DVB-S HDTV-Empfänger - Hi-Speed

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Acer K330 3D LED Projektor (Kontrast 4000:1, WXGA, 500 ANSI Lumen, hdmi, USB-A, 1GB Speicher)

Zielgruppe: Heimkinofans, Fernsehfreunde und GamerBesonderheiten: Native WXGA-Auflösung (1280 x 800 Pixel), Maximum UXGA-Auflösung (1,600 x 1,200 Pixel) oder 1080p (1,920 x 1,080 Pixel), Helligkeit 500 ANSI Lumens (Standard), 350 ANSI Lumens (ECO), Kontrast 4.000:1, 1GB interner SpeicherHerstellergarantie: 2 Jahre PickUp-Service Deutschland, 5 Jahre auf den DLP-ChipLieferumfang: Projektor,

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Statins Cause Fatigue

Posted by copaser pb | 10:10 PM

Statin drugs are among the most widely used prescription drugs on the market, but now researchers say that the cholesterol-lowering drugs can cause fatigue and decreased energy upon exertion.
The study, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, was conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, and involved more than 1,000 adults.
According to the researchers, doctors should take these findings in to consideration when prescribing these drugs.
The side effects of

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Typhoid Fever

Posted by copaser pb | 5:45 PM

"I contracted typhoid fever in 2005 while on vacation in Mexico. The day of my return, I became violently ill. I had uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting. My fever shot up to 104 degrees, and I was hospitalized where I remained for seven days. I was packed on ice continually as my fever shot to 105. I suffered convulsions. The pain in my body was so excruciating. I was put on a morphine drip, and I have a high tolerance for pain. Blood tests showed minimal kidney function and liver failure.

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Spring break is almost here. Are you looking forward to getting away and having a worry-free family vacation? Advance planning can help you to stress-proof your family travels so that you can have the most fun and relaxing experience possible without undue worry.
A vacation with the family, while intended to give everyone a break and some relaxation, can be a stressful event in itself. Several factors can increase everyone's stress levels - the actual travel, unfamiliar surroundings,

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The size of a baby's head is often related to neurological disorders, such as autism - which affects 1 in 88 children. Now, researchers at Duke University Medical Center have identified genes responsible for head size at birth by inserting human genes into zebrafish. The study is published online in the journal Nature.
Nicholas Katsanis, Ph.D., Jean and George Brumley Jr. M.D., Professor of Developmental Biology, and Professor of Pediatrics and Cell Biology (both at Duke University Medical

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The anterior insular cortex is a small brain region that plays a crucial role in human self-awareness and in related neuropsychiatric disorders. A unique cell type - the von Economo neuron (VEN) - is located there. For a long time, the VEN was assumed to be unique to humans, great apes, whales and elephants. Henry Evrard, neuroanatomist at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany, now discovered that the VEN occurs also in the insula of macaque monkeys. The

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Ask the average person the street how the brain develops, and they'll likely tell you that the brain's wiring is built as newborns first begin to experience the world. With more experience, those connections are strengthened, and new branches are built as they learn and grow.
A new study conducted in a Harvard lab, however, suggests that just the opposite is true.
As reported in the journal Neuron, a team of researchers led by Jeff Lichtman, the Jeremy R. Knowles Professor of Molecular and

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Xoro HRS 8500 Digitaler Satelliten-Receiver HDTV DVB-S2 (HDMI, 2x Scart, USB 2.0, PVR Ready, Time-Shift) schwarz

Digitaler HDTV SatellitenreceiverGeeignet zum Empfang von frei empfangbaren digitalen TV- und RadioprogrammeAudio- + Video-HD Medienplayer, PVR Ready + Timeshift über externe USB Speicher, Format FAT32 + NTFS, Unicable geeignetAnschlüsse: hdmi, 2x SCART, USB 2.0, AV-Stereo, Koax Digital AudioLieferumfang: Digital-Empfänger, Fernbedienung mit Batterien, Bedienungsanleitung,

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Medi@link Black Panther HDTV Digital KABEL Receiver USB 2.0 Ethernet/LAN 1xCX 1xCI NEU

Netzwerk Anschlüsse: * Ethernet: RJ-45 (10/100BASE-T) LAN- AnschlussVIDEO / AUDIO: * VIDEO: MPEG2 SD/HD, MPEG4, h.264/AVC SD/HD * AUDIO: MPEG, AAC, AC3, WMA
Hauptmerkmale: * HD (HDTV 720P, 1080i) * MP3 und Bilddateien Unterstützung * 1x CI Schnittstelle * 1x eingebauter Kartenleser * Blind Scan * 230/12 Volt-Betrieb, dadurch auch für Camping

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10 m | hdmi Kabel Highend with Ethernet - 3D - LCD A 1.4 CSL HDTV PS3

Typ: hdmi® Kabel mit Ethernet und 3D UnterstützungLänge: 10 mAnschlüsse: 2× 19-pol. HDMI® SteckerGeeignet für: XBOX® 360 / Playstation® 3 / Beamer / DVB Receiver / TFT Monitor / HD-Ready oder FULL HD Fernseher / Blu-RayTM, DVD oder HD-DVDTM AbspielgeräteFarbe: schwarz
Dieses professionelle 10 Meter High-End HDMI®-Verbindungskabel mit 3D und Ethernet-Unterstützung ist für optimale und verlustfreie Übertragung

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A specific antioxidant supplement may be an effective therapy for some features of autism, according to a pilot trial from the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital that involved 31 children with the disorder.
The antioxidant, called N-Acetylcysteine, or NAC, lowered irritability in children with autism as well as reducing the children's repetitive behaviors. The researchers emphasized that the findings must be confirmed in a larger trial before NAC can

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UChealth economics research has found that publication of perceived risk linking the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine to autism in the late 1990s seemingly led to declines in the vaccination rate of children. This despite the fact that later studies refuted the existence of an MMR-autism link.
New University of Cincinnati research has found that fewer parents in the United States vaccinated their children in the wake of concerns about a purported link (now widely discredited) between the

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Preliminary results from an ongoing, large-scale study by Yale School of Medicine researchers shows that oxytocin - a naturally occurring substance produced in the brain and throughout the body - increased brain function in regions that are known to process social information in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
A Yale Child Study Center research team that includes postdoctoral fellow Ilanit Gordon and Kevin Pelphrey, the Harris Associate Professor of Child

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Over the past decade, research in the field of epigenetics has revealed that chemically modified bases are abundant components of the human genome and has forced us to abandon the notion we've had since high school genetics that DNA consists of only four bases.
Now, researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have made a discovery that once again forces us to rewrite our textbooks. This time, however, the findings pertain to RNA, which like DNA carries information about our genes and how they

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Changes to just three genetic letters among billions led to evolution and development of the mammalian motor sensory network, and laid the groundwork for the defining characteristics of the human brain, Yale University researchers report.
This networks provides the direct synaptic connections between the multi-layered neocortex in the human brain responsible for emotions, perception, and cognition and the neural centers of the brain that make fine motor skills possible.
A description of how a

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COMAG HD 25 hdmi Digitaler HDTV Satelliten Receiver

Der wahrscheinlich kleinste HD Satelliten Receiver der WeltHigh Definition, 1080i, 720ppraktisch, unauffällig, platzsparend - direkter Anschluss an das TV GerätHDMI-Anschluss klappbar, perfekt für HDTV Flachbildschirme an der WandInfrarotempfänger und 12 Volt Kabel für Zigarettenanzünder inkl., 230 / 12 Volt-Betrieb,
Technische Ausstattung:
5.000 Programmspeicherplätze,
EPG (Elektronischer Programmführer) 7 Tage im

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SmarDTV CI+ Modul inkl. HD+ Smartcard für 12 Monate HD+ Programm (für Geräte mit CI+ Schnittstelle)

HD+ ist ein neues Programmangebot in HD-Qualität über Satellit.HD+ ergänzt das bestehende breite digitale Programmangebot über ASTRAMit HD+ können Sie 12 private Free-TV-Programme in hochauflösender HD-Qualität empfangen.Empfangsvoraussetzungen: digitale Satellitenempfangsanlage, TV-Gerät mit integriertem Sat-Tuner oder HD-Receiver, mit CI Plus-SlotLieferumfang: HD+ Modul inkl. HD+

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Modifying Behavior With A Protein

Posted by copaser pb | 9:46 PM

A study featured in the journal Cell Reports has revealed the discovery of a protein that is essential to maintain behavioral flexibility. It enables people to modify their behavior to adjust to similar, yet not identical previous experiences. The findings may provide a better understanding of autism and schizophrenia, diseases that are characterized by impaired behavioral flexibility.
Stored memories that we have experienced previously enable us to repeat certain tasks. For example, we

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Autism is a developmental disorder that affects social and communication skills. Irritability is a symptom of autism that can complicate adjustment at home and other settings, and can manifest itself in aggression, tantrums, and self-injurious behavior. These disruptive behaviors are frequently observed in children with autism, which may considerably affect their ability to function at home or in school.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the

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Psychoactive medications in water affect the gene expression profiles of fathead minnows in a way that mimics the gene expression patterns associated with autism spectrum disorder in genetically susceptible humans, according to research published in the open access journal PLoS ONE. These results suggest a potential environmental trigger for autism spectrum disorder in this vulnerable population, the authors write.
The researchers, led by Michael A. Thomas of Idaho State University, exposed

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Researchers have identified a protein necessary to maintain behavioral flexibility, which allows us to modify our behaviors to adjust to circumstances that are similar, but not identical, to previous experiences. Their findings, which appear in the journal Cell Reports, may offer new insights into addressing autism and schizophrenia - afflictions marked by impaired behavioral flexibility.
Our stored memories from previous experiences allow us to repeat certain tasks. For instance, after

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New research by scientists at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine may have pinpointed an underlying cause of the seizures that affect 90 percent of people with Angelman syndrome (AS), a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Published online in the journal Neuron, researchers led by Benjamin D. Philpot, PhD, professor of cell and molecular physiology at UNC, describe how seizures in individuals with AS could be linked to an imbalance in the activity of specific types of brain cells.

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VU+ Duo Twin Linux HDTV Receiver mit 1000 GB HDD

Display Art: AlphanumerischHDTV Empfang: JaTwin Tuner: Jahdmi Anschluß: JaLAN/WLAN: LAN
High End Open-Source Linux HDTV Twin PVR Receiver mit LAN 3x USB 1TB HDD Mit diesem High End Open-Source Linux HDTV Twin PVR Receiver können sie sowohl hochauflösendes als auch herkömmliches Fernsehen empfangen. DVB-S2 Twin Receiver, 2x Common Interface, 2x Conax Kartenleser, EPG, LAN, 2x SCART,1x hdmi, 3x USB2.0 usw. Neusste Revision mit schwarzer

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Smit CI+ Modul für Sender von Kabel Deutschland (automatisches Softwareupdate)

einfache Installationmit automatischem Software Updatekeine zweite FernbedienungNutzung nur in Verbindung mit einem Kabel Deutschland Abonnement und nur mit Karten des Typs G09 möglichKabel Deutschland Smartcard gehört NICHT zum Lieferumfang
Das SMiT CI+ Modul hat in Verbindung mit dem in Ihrem HD-fähigen TV-Gerät integrierten digitalen Kabel-Tuner alle Funktionen eines HD-Receivers. Und Sie ersparen sich

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Vant VT-610S HDTV-Receiver (CI+, DVB-S2, hdmi, USB 2.0) schwarz

Twin-Tuner, hdmi, USB; schwarz, Twin-Tuner, HDMI, USB

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Caressing someone, like touching a shoulder, stroking someone's cheek, brushing over someone's head, etc. often indicates a loving touch, although these signals can also be perceived as highly aversive depending on who is doing it and who is the recipient.
Neuroscientists from California's Institute of Technology (Caltech) in collaboration with Valeria Gazzola and Christian Keysers from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands decided to investigate they brain's dynamics of making

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Teenagers with autism spectrum disorder are in a bind. The disorder is characterized by impairments in communication and social interaction, but it's a continuum, so some teens diagnosed with ASD are considered high functioning and healthy enough to be "mainstreamed" in school.
But without the proper social skills, even mainstreamed teens don't quite fit into the general social milieu of middle school or high school. As a result, they suffer from all the slings and arrows of that world.

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A new study by researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute suggests that women who consume the recommended daily dosage of folic acid, the synthetic form of folate or vitamin B-9, during the first month of pregnancy may have a reduced risk of having a child with autism.
The study furthers the researchers' earlier investigations, which found that women who take prenatal vitamins around the time of conception have a reduced risk of having a child with autism. The current study sought to determine

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In 2006, the UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) clinic was established in order to help high functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) improve their social skills to fit in better with their peers at school.
High functioning adolescents with ASD are considered healthy enough to be "mainstreamed" in school.
Although PEERS was shown to be effective in earlier studies, researchers were still unsure as to whether the new skills "stuck" with

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Fishing For Answers To Autism Puzzle

Posted by copaser pb | 1:51 AM

Biologists take a new approach to deciphering the roles of genes associated with autism.
Fish cannot display symptoms of autism, schizophrenia or other human brain disorders. However, a team of MIT biologists has shown that zebrafish can be a useful tool for studying the genes that contribute to such disorders.
Led by developmental biologist Hazel Sive, the researchers set out to explore a group of about two dozen genes known to be either missing or duplicated in about 1 percent of autistic

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Topfield SRP 2100 Multimedia HDTV SatReceiver mit 500 GB Festplatte (Twin-Tuner, PVR mit DivX Wiedergabe, USB, inkl. englische Tastatur) schwarz

HDTV PVR mit zwei HD-Tunern für zwei zeitgleiche HD-AufnahmenDivX WiedergabeAufzeichnung auf die interne Festplatte oder direkt auf extern angeschlossene SpeichermedienIntegrierter Web- und FTP-Server zum Dateizugriff und zur AufnahmeprogrammierungBild-in-Bild Funktion (PIP) mit zwei HD-Sendern
Topfield SRP 2100 TMS

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AlphaCrypt Light CI Modul zum Empfang von verschlüsselten Kabel- und Satelliten-Programmen

Karten des Types V13 und von Unitymedia/KabelBW/KabelDeutschland werden nicht unterstützt. Bitte prüfen Sie vor Kauf, welche Karte Sie haben um unnötige Versandwege zu vermeiden.Funktioniert in jedem CI-Receiver, egal ob Kabel oder Satellit (nicht CI+ / HD+ geeignet).Für deutschsprachige und ausländische ProgrammeIntegrierte Jugendschutzfunktion, auch für künftige MediendiensteUpdates der

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10m GiXa Technology High Speed hdmi Kabel 10 Meter mit Ethernet High Definition Cable Kabel black / Schwarz Full HD FULLHD Auflösung 1080p hdmi zu hdmi Kabel 19pol. 1.3 1.3a 1.3b 24K Vergoldet geeignet für Xbox 360 / Playstation 3 / Beamer / DVB Receiver / TFT Monitor / HD-Ready / FULL HD Fernseher / Blu-Ray / DVD / HD-DVD / PS3 / HDTV (Der Kabel von Fa. CS-Power überträgt Garantiert Verlustfreie Daten / Kristallbild) Playstation3 / Digital TV / Fernsehen / BluRay / Spielkonsolen / Konsolen

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UCLA researchers have combined two tools - gene expression and the use of peripheral blood - to expand scientists' arsenal of methods for pinpointing genes that play a role in autism. Published in the online edition of the American Journal of Human Genetics, the findings could help scientists zero in on genes that offer future therapeutic targets for the disorder.
"Technological advances now allow us to rapidly sequence the genome and uncover dozens of rare mutations," explained principal

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A pioneering report of genome-wide gene expression in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) finds genetic changes that help explain why one person has an ASD and another does not. The study, published by Cell Press in The American Journal of Human Genetics, pinpoints ASD risk factors by comparing changes in gene expression with DNA mutation data in the same individuals. This innovative approach is likely to pave the way for future personalized medicine, not just for ASD but also for any disease with

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<!--ACNTP Environmental Health Trust, a non-profit organization devoted to identifying and controlling environmental health hazards, reports that a Liberty of Information Act request filed with the Federal Communications Commission has been had a meeting with an one-month-late, non-responsive reply. In September 2009, the FCC abruptly removed information on its web site regarding the acquisition of lower SAR (specific absorption rate) cell phones. The website changes mirror statements

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Posted by copaser pb | 4:12 AM

The main route is through the bite of infected female phlebotomine sand flies. Sand flies become infected by sucking blood from an infected animal or person. People might not realize that sand flies are present because:They do not make noise when they fly;They are small: they are only about one-third the size of typical mosquitoes or even smaller;Their bites might not be noticed (the bites may be painless or painful).
Sand flies usually are most active in twilight, evening, and night-time

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Dengue Fever

Posted by copaser pb | 12:05 AM

Neither vaccine nor drugs for preventing infection are available. The bite of one infected mosquito can result in infection. The risk of being bitten is highest during the early morning, several hours after daybreak, and in the late afternoon before sunset. However, mosquitoes may feed at any time during the day. Aedes mosquitoes typically live indoors and are often found in dark, cool places such as in closets, under beds, behind curtains, and in bathrooms. Travelers should be advised to

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Technisat TechniStar S2 digitaler HDTV SatellitenReceiver (HDMI, DVRready, CI+, UPnP, Ethernet) silber

HDTV-DigitalSat-Receiver mit digitaler Videorekorderfunktion via USB zur Aufnahme von TV- und Radiosendungen auf eine externe FestplatteNetzwerk- und USB-Schnittstelle, UPnP/DLNA-Client für HeimvernetzungDVRready, Timeshift (in Verbindung mit einem externen Speichermedium), "SiehFern INFO", ISIPRO, TechniMatic, AutoInstall, TechniFamilyAnschlüsse: 1x hdmi (out), 1x USB 2.0, 1x Common

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Vantage HD 7100C, Digitaler HDTV-Kabelreceiver, schwarz

Digitaler HDTV Kabel-Receiver mit PVR-Funktion und 2 CI-Slots für (Pay-TV-) Module + 2 Smartcard-ReaderUSB 2.0 Schnittstelle ermöglicht den Anschluss externer Speichergeräte z.B. USB-Sticks oder Digi-CamseSATA Schnittstelle für externe Festplatten (HDD's), PVR-ready1x hdmi 1.2 / 1x Komponenten-Video (YPbPr) / 1x Ethernet - Anschluss20.000 Speicherplätze für TV + Radio

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Samsung SyncMaster T24A350 61 cm (24 Zoll) Widescreen LED Monitor, Energieeffizienzklasse B (HDTV-Tuner, hdmi, Scart, VGA, Composite, 5ms Reaktionszeit) rose schwarz

60,96 cm (24 Zoll) LED Monitor mit 16,7 Mio. FarbenKontrast (dynamisch): Mega DCR / Auflösung (nativ): 1.920 x 1.080 PixelReaktionszeit: 5 ms (G/G)Herstellergarantie: 24 Monate Vor-Ort-AbholserviceLieferumfang: T24A350, Fernbedienung, Signalkabel, Netzkabel, Treiber-CD, Handbuch (CD)
**New retail** ROSE BLACK 1920X1080

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Travelers' Diarrhea

Posted by copaser pb | 8:18 PM

Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MDMedical Editor: Charles P. Davis, MD, PhD
Travelers' diarrhea strikes up to half of all international travelers. It is far and away the most common travel-related illness, affecting about 10 million people per year worldwide. Infectious agents, particularly bacteria from water contaminated with feces, cause travelers' diarrhea. The most commonly identified bacteria associated with travelers' diarrhea are what are called ETEC, or enterotoxigenic

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<!--ACNTP College Research Company, LLC free press releases got given a $74,855,589, four-year contract from the U.S. Agency for Global Development to provide support to the Iraqi Ministry of Health (MoH) to support the Ministry's strategic plan to achieve better quality primary medicare. URC will manage this project together with Management Systems Global and Sallyport, in partnership with with the Iraqi MoH. Planned to have nationwide scope, the project will target a minimum of 360 main

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discovery of a key gene involved in sperm development could eventually lead to the creation of a new type of non-hormonal birth control for men, a study involving mice suggests.
Researchers found that a gene called Katnal1 is critical to enable sperm to mature in the testes. Finding a way to regulate this gene could prevent sperm from maturing, making them incapable of fertilizing eggs.
This finding also could lead to new treatments for cases of male infertility in which the Katnal1 gene

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IUD Beats Pill at Preventing Pregnancy

Posted by copaser pb | 4:30 AM

Women using birth control pills may have a 20 times greater risk of an unplanned pregnancy than women using longer-acting forms of birth control like an intrauterine device (IUD) or implant, new research shows.
A major new study shows the failure rate of birth control pills and other short-term prescription contraceptives is much higher than previously thought, based on how women actually use them in real life.
Researchers say the results call for a major shift in how women and health care

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 Many women who need emergency contraception after unprotected sex are aware of the "morning-after" pill as an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Fewer may be aware that the intrauterine device (IUD) can also work as an emergency contraceptive. In a new review, researchers find that it is safe and actually more effective for emergency contraception than the morning-after pill.
Although IUDs have been studied for at least 35 years for emergency contraception, the use is not well

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Zehnder HDTV Digital Sat-Receiver "HX7133" mit PVR, DVB-S / S2, USB 2.0 Anschluss

zum Empfang von digitalen standard- und hochaufl ösenden Fernseh- und RadioprogrammenSat-Receiver mit mit PVR / Aufnahmefunktion4-stellige Geräteanzeige (Display)Bis zu 5000 Programme speicherbarAnschlüsse: 1x hdmi-Ausgang, 1x Scart, Digital elektrisch, Antennen-Anschluss, USB-2.0, S/PDIF
zum Empfang von digitalen standard- und hochaufl ösenden Fernseh- und Radioprogrammen Marktorientiertes Vorausdenken

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Telestar Diginova 10 HD-K Digitaler HDTV Kabel Receiver inkl. KDG CI+ Modul (CI+, hdmi, Scart-Anschlüsse, PVR-Ready, USB 2.0) schwarz

Digitaler HDTV KabelReceiver für Kabel Deutschlanddurch das CI+ Modul nur für Kabel Deutschland geeignet4-stelliges LED Display, CI+, Conax-Kartenleser PVR ready, Timeshift, SiehFernInfo, Timer, ISISOFT, CECAnschlüsse: hdmi, USB 2.0, Scart, Audio und Video Cinch Ausgang, elektrischer Digitalausgang, Netzwerkanschluss, NetzschalterLieferumfang: Receiver,

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Hama DVI-Zwischenverstärker, max 30 m, 1920 x 1200 Pixel bei 60 Hz

Zwischenverstärker für längere hdmi-Kabel-Verlegungenhochfrequente Digitalsignale werden verstärkt und impulsstabilisiert und können so größere Kabellängen überbrückenermöglicht eine max. Gesamtkabellänge von ca. 35 m (Auflösung: 1080i/720p) oder 25 m (Auflösung: 1080p)zu realisierende Kabellänge ist abhängig von den Leistungsdaten der Signalquelle (DVD-Player, Set-Top-Box, SAT-Receiver etc.), des

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Some People Really Might Have 'Gaydar'

Posted by copaser pb | 7:06 PM

Some people actually may have "gaydar," a widely used slang term for the ability to assess quickly another person's sexual orientation, a new study suggests.
Researchers asked 129 college students to look at 96 photos of young men and women and to identify them as either gay or straight. The participants were 65 percent accurate in identifying gay and straight women and 57 percent accurate in identifying gay and straight men.
Faces in photos were free of glasses or jewelry, as well as scars,

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<!--ACNTP Tangerine Wellbeing, the 1st incentive-based corporate wellness program that reduces the cost of health-care for bosses, and Healthy Business Group, an exclusive measures-based, behavior-driven health dividend boss, have partnered to supply companies a true full-service, long term health care cost control solution. "The HBG-Tangerine partnership makes complete sense as it addresses the main cause of rising health-care costs today--obesity," declared HBG founder and CHIEF EXECUTIVE

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Posted by copaser pb | 6:25 AM

Q. What is the incubation period for plague?A. A person usually becomes ill with bubonic plague 2 to 6 days after being infected. When bubonic plague is left untreated, plague bacteria invade the bloodstream. When plague bacteria multiply in the bloodstream, they spread rapidly throughout the body and cause a severe and often fatal condition. Infection of the lungs with the plague bacterium causes the pneumonic form of plague, a severe respiratory illness. The infected person may experience

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Delicious meals can be a fun part of a great vacation. But take care not to end your trip with extra baggage around your waistline.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers these healthy eating suggestions while you're traveling:Limit eating rich, high-calorie dishes. If you crave a meal that comes in a large portion, share it with someone.Eat regularly throughout the day, so you don't get too hungry and over-eat.Stay physically active; try walking to most attractions.Buy healthy

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esoSAT HD-Sat.-Receiver SR550HD+ mit USB-Recorder & 1 Jahr HD+ gratis

Digitaler HD+ SAT-Receiver DVB-S / DVB-S2 für TV und Radio HDTV über ASTRA-Satellit mit 1080i, mehr als 350 Sender in Standard-Auflösung (SDTV) HD+ ein Jahr gratis: RTL HD, VOX HD, SAT.1 HD, ProSieben HD, Kabel 1 HD und die Zusätzlich viele frei empfangbare HD-Sender: Das Erste, ZDF, ARTE, Anixe HD, Servus TV u.a. Sofort startklar: Alle wichtigen Sender und Satelliten vorprogrammiert, 5.000

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SAT Verteiler 2-fach 5-2450 MHz - digital-tauglich

Kleiner Sat-Verteiler 2-fach für den Bereich 5-2450 MHz digital-tauglich (100dB) Verteiler für Satelliten-AnlagenF-Kupplung auf 2x F-Kupplung Schirmung 100dB für Digitalsignale DC-Durchgang an allen Anschlüssen

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Micro M50plus HD altersgerechter digitaler HDTV Satelliten-Receiver (HDMI, inkl. Easy Zapp Fernbedienung) schwarz

Digitaler HDTV Satelliten ReceiverGeeigent zum Empfang von HDTVEasyFind TechnologieAnschlüsse: hdmi, SCARTLieferumfang: Receiver, Vollfunktions Fernbedienung, Easy-Zapp Fernbedienung, Batterien, Bedienungsanleitung
Micro M50plusHD digitaler Satelliten Receiver

Dieser digitale Satelliten-Receiver ermöglicht einen glasklaren und störungsfreien Empfang von TV- und

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 Easy online access and the popularity of personal electronic devices mean that an increasing number of people are staying connected while on vacation, researchers report.
"Not that long ago, travelers would need to find a payphone or send postcards to brag about their vacations. Now they just log on and send photos and text," study co-author Christine Vogt, a professor of community agriculture, recreation and resource studies at Michigan State University, said in a university news

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Testicular Pain (Pain in the Testicles)

Posted by copaser pb | 5:35 PM

 Cancer of the testicles(testicular cancer) is an uncommon condition that accounts for only about 1% of all cancers in men. Each year, approximately 8,000 new cases of testicular cancer will occur in the U.S., leading to approximately 360 deaths.
Doctors do not know the exact cause of testicular cancer, but a number of risk factors for development of this disease have been identified. Young men between the ages of 15 and 39 are most often affected. White men are affected more than men of

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<!--ACNTP The new Chi Rope is a patented handheld instrument that induces external power from the outside and releases it to the interior of the body. John Lombardozzi, inventor of the Chi Rope, has tied the gap between the mind-body connection for total body balance. Dr. Lombardozzi's eclectic background of mechanical ability and medicine lead him to identify an aberrant gait pattern on his patients that affected their accumulative health. This lead directly to the discovery of the Chi

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<!--ACNTP The new Chi Rope is a patent-protected hand held instrument that prompts external energy from the outside and releases it to the interior of the body. John Lombardozzi, inventor of the Chi Rope, has tied the gap between the mind-body connection for total body balance. Doctor. Lombardozzi's eclectic background of mechanical ability and medication lead him to spot an abnormal gait pattern on his patients that affected their overall health. This lead to the discovery of the Chi Rope

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 The discovery of a key gene involved in sperm development could eventually lead to the creation of a new type of non-hormonal birth control for men, a study involving mice suggests.
Researchers found that a gene called Katnal1 is critical to enable sperm to mature in the testes. Finding a way to regulate this gene could prevent sperm from maturing, making them incapable of fertilizing eggs.
This finding also could lead to new treatments for cases of male infertility in which the Katnal1

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cells navigate the complex fluid-filled channels of the female reproductive tract by crawling along walls and swimming around corners, a new study reveals.
And although millions of sperm cells are ejaculated, the few that actually reach an egg collide frequently along the way.
This new insight on how sperm travel could help scientists develop new treatments for infertile couples, say British researchers who injected the cells into hair-thin microchannels, or mini-mazes, to identify which

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Digitalbox Imperial HD 3 plus Digitaler HDTV-Sat-Receiver (CI+, hdmi, USB 2.0, PVR-Ready, SCART, Netzschalter) schwarz

Digitaler HDTV Satellitenreceiverzum Empfang aller frei empfangbaren HDTV, SDTV und Radioprogramme12-stelliges alphanumerisches Display, CI+, PVR ready, Timeshift, EPG, Timer, 8 FavoritenlistenAnschlüsse: hdmi, USB 2.0, Scart, Audio und Video Cinch Ausgang, YUV, elektrischer Digitalausgang, NetzschalterLieferumfang: Receiver, Fernbedienung inkl. Batterien,

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WISI HOME LINE OR 153 DVB-C HD Receiver PVR USB HDD Ready schwarz

DVB-C Receiver PVR Ready - Aufnahme übe...

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 Many women who need emergency contraception after unprotected sex are aware of the "morning-after" pill as an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Fewer may be aware that the intrauterine device (IUD) can also work as an emergency contraceptive. In a new review, researchers find that it is safe and actually more effective for emergency contraception than the morning-after pill.
Although IUDs have been studied for at least 35 years for emergency contraception, the use is not well

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The study included 481 women being treated at a sexually transmitted disease clinic who were assessed for a history of violence and current sexual risk-taking behaviors, such as having a high number of partners or having unprotected sex.
The researchers categorized the women as those having low exposure to violence (39 percent), those who were mainly exposed to community violence (20 percent), those who experienced childhood maltreatment (23 percent), and those who were victims of

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IUD Beats Pill at Preventing Pregnancy

Posted by copaser pb | 9:03 AM

Birth Control Pill's Risk of Failure Is 20 Times More Than That of IUDs, Implants
May 23, 2012 -- Women using birth control pills may have a 20 times greater risk of an unplanned pregnancy than women using longer-acting forms of birth control like an intrauterine device (IUD) or implant, new research shows.
A major new study shows the failure rate of birth control pills and other short-term prescription contraceptives is much higher than previously thought, based on how women actually use

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Testicular Pain (Pain in the Testicles)

Posted by copaser pb | 4:43 AM

Cancer of the testicles(testicular cancer) is an uncommon condition that accounts for only about 1% of all cancers in men. Each year, approximately 8,000 new cases of testicular cancer will occur in the U.S., leading to approximately 360 deaths.
Doctors do not know the exact cause of testicular cancer, but a number of risk factors for development of this disease have been identified. Young men between the ages of 15 and 39 are most often affected. White men are affected more than men of other

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<!--ACNTPTeavana Establishment confirmed today a voluntary recall of 2,659 lbs of Peppermint Organic Herbal Tea produced by Aromatics Incorporated, Basin City, WA, as it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Aromatics Inc. Totally produces and distributes Teavana's Peppermint Organic Herbal Tea. The recall was as the result of a batch sample testing programme by the Company after it received a warning of possible contamination by the vendor, which exposed the finished

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By Steven ReinbergHealthDay Reporter
WEDNESDAY, June 6 (HealthDay News) -- Gonorrhea, the second most common sexually transmitted disease, is rapidly growing resistant to the last class of antibiotics that can effectively treat the infection, the World Health Organization warned Wednesday.
A number of countries, including Australia, France, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom, are reporting cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea. The infection can lead to a series of serious health

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TechniSat TechniBox HD VAC HDTV-Digital Sat-Receiver, silber

TechniBox HD VACFernbedienung (inkl. Batterien)Externes Netzteil,Bedienungsanleitung,Garantiekarte,HDMI-Kabel
Technisat TechniBox HD

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Humax iCord Cable Digitaler HDTV Kabel-Receiver (CI-Schacht, Twin-Tuner, hdmi, 2x Scart-Anschlüsse, Upscaler 1080i, DLNA, 500GB HDD) schwarz

iCord Cable - Digital-Multimedia-Empfänger/DVB-C-Tuner/HDD-Recorder - 500

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HDGear HET001-V2 hdmi über Cat5. Transmitter und Receiver Set.

HDSupply. Hochwertiges hdmi 1.3 über Cat5e / Cat6 Extender Set, FullHD 1080p. Vergoldete Kontakte. Inkl. Sender, Empfänger und Netzteilen. Hochwertiges Metall Gehäuse. Kontroll-LEDs. HET001-V2. Farbe: Schwarz.Optimal für die Verbindung von HDMI Geräten über lange Distanzen. Wie z.B. PC / DVD / Blu-ray / HD DVD / PS3 / Xbox / Wii zu LCD TV / Plasma / Beamer / Projektor.Es werden alle HDTV Signale wie 480i480i, 480p, 576p,

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No-Estrogen and Lowest-Estrogen Contraceptives Safest, Study Finds
By Salynn BoylesWebMD Health News
Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD
June 13, 2012 -- The risk of having a heart attack or stroke is very low for most women who take low-dose hormonal contraceptives, but that risk rises with age, new research confirms.
The study, published online in The New England Journal of Medicine, included more than 1.6 million Danish women. That makes it the largest study ever to examine the impact of

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<!--ACNTP Many of us realize that they need to do something to improve their health without drugs but need help to know how. The just released book "Destination Health - Ways to naturally achieve perfect health" makes this info accessible and easy to utilise. It addresses questions like : How can you exercise for just minutes a day and get most satisfactory results? What's the best exercise for increasing your metabolism, shedding weight, staying younger and improving your heart

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Smart Zappix HDTV Satelliten Receiver mit HD+ Schnittstelle inkl. Fernbedienung und HD+ Karte, schwarz

HDTV SatellitenreceiverGeeignet für HD+Softwareupdate via USB, Favoritenlisten, Kindersicherung, mehrsprachiges Menü, EPG - Elektronischer Programmführerdigitaler Videoausgang (1x hdmi), analoge Videoausgänge (1x Scart, 1x koax), digitale Audioausgänge (optisch, koax), analoger Audioausgang (koax), Datenträger-Anschluss (USB)Lieferumfang: Receiver, HD+ Karte, Fernbedienung, Batterien,

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Samsung SyncMaster T27A550 68,8 cm (27 Zoll) Widescreen LED Monitor, Energieeffizienzklasse B (HDTV-Tuner, hdmi, Scart, VGA, S-Video, 5ms Reaktionszeit) rose schwarz

68,58 cm (27 Zoll) LED Display mit 16,7 Mio. FarbenKontrast (dynamisch:) Mega DCR/ Auflösung (nativ): 1.920 x 1.080 PixelReaktionszeit: 5 ms (G/G)Herstellergarantie: 24 Monate Vor-Ort-AbholserviceLieferumfang: Monitor, Fernbedienung, Signalkabel, Netzkabel, Treiber-CD, Handbuch (CD)
68.5cm(27") Samsung SyncMaster T27A550

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